Professional fee
The following possibilities are available to you when you choose to have therapy at my practice:
I charge € 85,- per hour.
1) The treatment is covered by a „private Krankenversicherung“ Private Health Insurance or with „Zusatzversicherung“ an Extra Insurance if you are „gesetzlich versichert“ which is if you are insured with a German Public Health Insurance . Both need to have „Heilpraktiker-Leistungen“ Heilprachiter Services included in your insurance cover.
2) Prescription for "Osteopathie" from your Medical Doctor, if you are with a German Public Health Insurance. Please ask your Insurance, what their conditions are concerning "Osteopathie".
2) Direct payment
3) Prescription ( only from private Medical Insurance) for „Krankengymnastik/Manuelle Therapie/Elektrotherapie“ Physiotherapy/Electrotherapy
Please consider, that services of a Heilpraktiker are generally not covered by the „gesetzliche Krankenversicherungen“ German Public Health Insurance, but these companies do offer additional insurances, “Extra Insurance” that would cover the costs partially or entirely.
In general, private health insurances cover the costs, depending on your individual contract with the insurance company.
My fees are as laid down by the „Gebührenordnung für Heilpraktiker“ “Fee regulations for Heilpraktikers” German Institute of Heilpraktikers “ or when applicable by the „Beihilfesätze für Physiotherapie“, “Fee regulations for Physiotherapy” published by the German Institute of Physiotherapy
If you are paying privately, please ask if special offers are available.